Panda Speech Therapy
Quick Language Visuals ~ Speech Therapy Functional Decor for Teaching Concepts
Quick Language Visuals ~ Speech Therapy Functional Decor for Teaching Concepts
All of these visuals were designed to go with one of my existing products. I had a request to put them all together in one easy to download and use resource (none of these are new, many of them come from my Real Photo Language Series. Even if you own one or two of the resources that have similar visuals, this pack is unique in the presentation and size of the visuals. This is ideal for you if you ONLY want the visuals and not all of the picture cards and practice pages. I designed these for elementary aged students (can be used with middle school depending on skill level needed, these are basic).
You can cut these a part and put them on a ring for a quick and easy visual solution. I laminate them as full pages back to back and keep them in my daily notebook to pull out when I need them.
What's Included:
- (10) 1/2 page mini visuals for categories, compare/contrast, antonym/synonyms, past tense verbs, plurals, define/describe, story retell/elements, why questions, and multiple meaning words.
- (5) BONUS full page teaching visuals for WH Questions, Compare/Contrast, Subject/Verb Agreement, Categories, and Past Tense Verbs (these come straight from the corresponding Real Photo Language Card sets).
Categories: This visual gives examples of basic categories and sub-categories. You will get a mini (1/2 page) visual and a full page visual. I always target categorization before defining.
Compare/Contrast: I use the included phrases on this visual to help teach my students how to explain similarities/differences. It includes a picture example for practice or for teaching. You will get a basic 1/2 page visual and a full page visual that gives more explanation and examples.
Define and Describe: I use these when I am working on early defining skills. I always start with the basic category or group. After that I emphasize with my students to think of attributes specific to the word/object. I did not intend for a student to use each square for each word (they won’t all apply), the teacher or therapist should direct the student to the appropriate prompts.
Antonyms/Synonyms: This visual gives a quick picture example of opposites and words with the same meaning.
Regular/Irregular past tense: Regular: I emphasize adding the -ed ending. Irregular: I emphasize that these words change for and we don’t just add -ed. I find saying what we are doing now or today and then changing it to yesterday really helps. It includes a picture example for practice or for teaching. You will get a 1/2 page visual and a full page visual that explains past tense in more detail.
Regular/Irregular plurals: Regular; I emphasize adding the ’s’ or ‘es’ ending Irregular: I emphasize that these words change and we don’t just add an ’s’ to make it plural.
Wh Questions: I included a mini WH questions card (1/2 page size) and a full size with explanations and examples. I love using visuals when teaching the different types of questions. I included some easy to recognize examples on the full size page.
Multiple Meaning words: This one is a little more difficult to teaching using a visual but I put the example on the bottom to help your student start visualizing different meanings. 1/2 page visual
Story visuals: These are very basic and meant to be a starting point when working on story retell and story elements. 1/2 pages visuals
Subject/Verb Agreement: I included a full page review on subject verb agreement.
***This is a digital download, you are responsible for printing the product to use.YThis purchase is a ONE user license, sharing this file in any way is not permitted. Please respect copyright laws. Exception: You may share a page with your student's caregiver for home practice.
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*You may not copy any part of this document (content, layout, format, idea, design) and reproduce it or create a similar product using my idea. All rights reserved to Panda Speech, LLC. This original activity was imagined and created by Amanda Schaumburg, all rights reserved. PLEASE RESPECT COPYRIGHT LAWS!!**If you are a therapist or educator, you may share a printed copy of a page to your client's caregiver for home practice (this is the only sharing permitted).