Question: What is a Speech Therapy Craft Holder?
Answer: A piece of paper to attach any craft to that contains a caregiver note and your students’ speech targets! Check out the preview to see more.
This activity was designed to be a simple, no-prep activity to target articulation and language while making crafts. It is also a GREAT way to encourage home practice because when completing crafts it creates the “look what I made” mentality which increases the likelihood that the student will show their caregiver and review. Glue or tape any craft you make to the center of these pages to instantly have your students’ targets visible for parents. Each page is blank in the middle with targets on each side.
I also included 12 EASY craft idea cards with supply lists, pictures, templates, and instructions to use specifically with these pages. You do not have to use these ideas, you can do any craft you wish! My examples use basic craft supplies such as construction paper, scissors, glue, googly eyes, markers, feathers, coffee filters, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, and cotton balls. You will not see perfect cutesy craft examples, all of the crafts I used were made by students and myself.
How to use: I use these as my targets during therapy while completing crafts (so the students are familiar with the targets when they take them home for practice). During the craft we pause (you can pause throughout the craft to practice, practice between steps, or during depending on the age of the student). After you are finished with the craft, attach the craft to the center of the worksheet (glue/tape/staple). The worksheet has a caregiver note to review at home. The therapist will determine the number or trials per word/target. Do not glue or tape over the target words. It is okay if the craft hangs off of the paper (just make sure the caregivers can lift it up and see the targets).
My hope is that this will encourage the students to show their parents and review their targets, plus tell them all about the fun craft they made.
- The students can draw a picture in the space on the page.
- Cut out and glue coloring pages the students have completed in the middle of these pages.
- Have other speech crafts but the targets aren’t visible? Attach them to these pages to send home!
- Give to your student’s teacher and tell them to attach one of their class crafts to it (anything to get the targets in front of the caregiver's eyes).
This version includes the following sounds: Initial/final p/b/m (for bilabials and final consonants); final: t, d, n (for final consonants); initial h, w, y; VC/CV/CVC/CVCV; initial/medial/final: k, g, f, v, l, s, z, sh, ch, th, lblends (initial/medial), initial sblends (sp, st, sm, sn, sk, sl, sw, mixed), final sblends; pre-vocalic r, er, or, ar, air, ear, & rblends (initial/final); 3 syllables/4 syllables/5 syllables, and complex clusters. I also included blank open-ended pages. It comes in a regular and easy cut version. Language targets included: name the category, name items in a category, which one doesn’t belong, compare/contrast, wh questions (what, when, where, who, why, mixed), how questions, guess the word (from a description), functions, actions, positional vocabulary, past tense verbs (regular and irregular), plurals (regular and irregular), multiple meaning words (with and without picture support), antonyms/synonyms, and associations (10 targets on each page).
12 Craft idea cards included (all simple crafts): Coffee filter earth, handprint butterfly, easy octopus, circle chicks, handprint chicken, hedgehog, penguin, ladybug, caterpillar, handprint bunny. 3D rainbow.
***This is a digital download, you are responsible for printing the product to use. This purchase is a ONE user license, sharing this file in any way is not permitted. Please respect copyright laws. Exception: You may share a page with your student's caregiver for home practice.
Please note: This file will be delivered in a zipped compressed file (it contains 2 files: The color version and black & white version). Please unzip on a computer (it is more difficult to try to do this on a tablet or phone)
To unzip on a Mac:
- Double click the zipped file.
- The file will automatically be decompressed by Archive Utility into the same folder the compressed file is in.
- Access the extracted files by clicking the appropriate icons.
- You can drag them into a file on your computer or add them to your Google Drive or Dropbox.
To unzip on a PC:
- Double-click the zip file you want to unzip OR right-click to select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
- The zip file will open a folder, showing you the individual files inside.
- Select all the files and drag them out of the folder to another location on your computer.